' Any 'blocking' would have had to be dilberate on the part of the user And what exactly is patout.. How would AutoCAD hatch patterns block themselves? It's not like they woke up this morning and decided 'Hey, let's block ourselves just to give the CAD tech a headache.. Find them and start reading/practicing Also, look at some of the hatch pattern file descriptions in AutoCAD when you do so you'll understand better what goes into creating custom patterns.. Ralph Grabowski wrote a couple of good articles for his eZine about creating custom hatch patterns. Textaloud For Mac

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' Any 'blocking' would have had to be dilberate on the part of the user And what exactly is patout.. How would AutoCAD hatch patterns block themselves? It's not like they woke up this morning and decided 'Hey, let's block ourselves just to give the CAD tech a headache.. Find them and start reading/practicing Also, look at some of the hatch pattern file descriptions in AutoCAD when you do so you'll understand better what goes into creating custom patterns.. Ralph Grabowski wrote a couple of good articles for his eZine about creating custom hatch patterns. ae05505a44 Textaloud For Mac

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Hatch Patterns For Autocad 2013